
Showing posts from August, 2024

Speedrunning RPGaDAY 2024 in one day to get my blog-writing off the ground & introduce myself

I thought I might get this done in an hour. Counting editing, it's probably taken four. Good omen!  If you don't know RPGaDAY, it's this: What better way to give you a sense of who I am and how I write when under time pressure (which a lot of these posts probably will be), and me a sense of what kinds of things I might like to write about?  I'm 99% sure the first TTRPG/s I bought this year were all of the ones in the Palestinian Relief Bundle at once, back in April. I tried to work out which of those I read first but I didn't keep notes and I've read a lot of them in previous aid bundles so it all gets a bit jumbled. I otherwise tend to get mostly free games (or in the case of large/defunct companies, 'free games'), and ask for paid ones as gifts rather than buying them myself, because I don't have much in the way of money at the moment . Most recently , I played (ran - I'm assuming this counts) a game of my own design called The Face of the Wor